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Just like into getting good grades and going to the Weightroom and just waiting for next season

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hatchet Blog.

Brian faces both internal conflict and external conflict. His internal conflict was all, just all facing the fact that he was alone in the woods, him dealing with the secret of his mother cheating on his father. He didn't deal with the secret very well at first, he would let that get to him. He conquerred the thought of the secret. His external conflict was Human Vs. Nature. Nature including animals in the woods, nature including only the use of natural resources. Brian grows as a person through out the whole battle, the secret and the woods helped him grow. He really needed the whole experience just to get over the secret.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hatchet; Blog Two.

"THERE WERE these things to do." pg.100

At this point of the book, I can compare myself quite well to Brian, he's is easily bothered with his emotions, I relate to that because I can get a bit touchy with my emotions. He's very ambicious to finish things through, he could have easily not even try to survive and just die, but he kept on going, kept on going. He remembered what his teacher had told him, feeling sorry for yourself will get you nowhere. He followed that belief and that helped him survive. I want to follow that saying as well, I have nothing to feel sorry for myself for so I shouldn't do anything to hurt my future. This book helped me reach an emotional state which made me cry. Great Book!!!! :'(

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hatchet; Blog One.

"Then a wild crashing sound, ripping of metal, and the plane rolled to the right and blew through the trees, out over the water and down, down to slam into the lake, skip once on water as hard as concrete."
pg. 27

This quote describes the crash that Brian went through after the pilot had a violent heart attack. I tried to imagine myself in the same situation as Brian, going through this viscious plane landing/crash and surviving to still find myself alone, that's a lot to take in. To have his life take a turn right from the pilot dying to him having to pilot the plane, really shows the perserviance of Brian. Just this moment made me look back into a time in my life where I faced a situation that demanding, I came up with s*#t. Brian Faces many external conflicts, this beong one. He faces nature, and internal conflicts with dealing with his parent's divorce. He doesn't like remembering "the secret" because of the very detailed memory of it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hatchet Pictures.

Hatchet didn't represent first love, any drug use, no rise to becoming a celebrity. Hatchet followed through Brian Robeson's struggles to survive in the canadian woods. Brian was on his way to see his dad, but when the pilot suffered a heart attack Brian was left alone to try landing the plane. He semi-successfully landed it but suffered several injuries. The novel showed the experience of being self reliant, being alone with only yourself. Hoping to survive. That's all the Novel goes through.

Hatchet The Movie




Wednesday, April 6, 2011

brian robeson

Dear Brian,
         Tell me how you really thought about the situation you found yourself in, were you actually relieved to be away from your parents? I have heard from the story about your adventures that you take on a bear, was this exaggerated? Well Brian you really remind me a lot about this kid I know Cesar. Strong, Handsome, and Funny :] From reading your story I have already seen changes in you, such as being very hurt emotionally and physically. Hope you like my letter for I enjoyed writing it :P

Monday, March 28, 2011

third book

My third independent reading book is Hatchet, i never got to read this book since in seventh grade i would be kicked out of english class all the time and this meant i was deprived of reading this book. I have heard great things about this book and i am excited to read it. I also heard that the child that get lost overcomes great challenges.

2nd Independent Reading book.

My second independent reading book was Only the Strong Survive: The Odyssey of Allen Iverson by Larry Platt and i found this book very interesting because it really showed me the secrets behind Allen Iverson's success and his triumph of the competition in the NBA. From a very young age Iverson was playing with kids five-six years older than him and he was still dominating them and dropping dimes. The book also went through the lows in Iverson's career and his jail time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Monster - Walter Dean Myers

Monster takes place in modern time. The main character is named Steve Harmon and he has been accused of taking part in a murder. He says he had no doing in the murder, but little does the judge know, that Steve was going to take part in it. The whole book is narrarated by Steve and he is writing all that is happening in his journal. His style of writing it down is as if he was filming a movie. Steve could be locked up in jail for 25-LIFE. He is only sixteen and this is his story....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

webquest on sports


how many people have died on mt. everest?
what does a cyclist need to do before even attempting to bike down everest?

what sports can you play while climbing everest?

how long did it take for the man the swim across?

through the years what has improved the everest climbs?

what natural disaster can happen on everest while climbing?

explain which sports can be played around everest?

Explain what is Nepal's main focus on sports?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Allen Iverson and I

The character in my book is Allen Iverson, one strong connection between me and Allen is that he was told he was too light to play in the NBA, i was told i wasn't big enough to play football and keep up with the bigger players. Allen took that as a challenge, as so did I. At the beginning of summer I was third string running back, it looked as if I would not even see the field, as time progressed I kept working hard to move up but I just couldn't. The coach tried me at reciever and I got my shot. Allen was given his shot and right away he proved everyone wrong, and in just a few seasons he became MVP.

My Girlfriend [;

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kevin Durant

My favorite NBA player, Kevin "Durantula"
Since he was at texas for his one year college career.
He is such an inspiration to me and many others, he was always told he was too skinny and fragile for the NBA, but when he got drafted to the Seatle SuperSonics[now the Oklahoma City Thunder] he averaged 20 points as a rookie, his second season averaged 25 points, and now in the present he is the NBA's leading scorer, and may just one day be the MVP of the league.

Only the Strong Survive-

I chose to read this book because it is the story on how Allen Iverson, a 6'0 foot 165 pound man came to dominate in the NBA. Allen has had an amzing carreer and I wanted to learn more about how he became more than just an athlete, but an entertainer. The book has also mentioned how he has brought his own style into the NBA. 
My character has grown since he was a college he has learned how to take responsibility and how to get his priorities. When he was a new comer to the league his only concern was what he wanted and he'd have this mindset that he will get what he wants when he wants it. As he starts to grow, he sees that this mentality has him getting no where. Allen then starts to consider his teammates feelings and tries to understand what his teammates need from him. As be entered his fifth year he started changing his mindset and he was awarded MVP. That's as far as I read. That's how he's grown

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

my character

well my character was really cared for at the beginning of the story where he is a loved child and well nutured. Going more into the story the child's treatment get's a little bit more disciplined and he starts to get in more and more trouble. Midway through the book he starts getting mistreated so bad he was thrown off the top of the bunk and gets stabbed by his mother. His mother starts to punish him in several different ways, but through out the whole story he starts to believe his father will get him out of the hell hole he is living under but as the story progresses he starts to lose hope in his father as for his father is losing hope in himself. Dave begins to think that god is not there for him and he starts wishing he were dead.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

School year books

Well this year I read a book called Monster and like I really felt like I could relate to the book because Steve really got in real trouble and he found himself almost locked up for 25 years being involved in a murder having being the look out for Bobo and King. The book was in a movie format being filmed and Steve was the narrator. The book really had a great influence on me in the sense that if I get involved with the wrong people I could end up in a situation like Steve. The Alchemist also had some thoughts brought into my head. Since reading the Alchemist I have been working harder to accomplishing more things such as school work or in video games. My main goal is still to improve to benching 150 and squatting 310 and obstacles that Santiago faced are like obstacles I will face.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wild Card Games

Wild card weekend was a great disappointment for others but I was GREATLY pleased that the New Orleans Saints lost to the Seattle Seahawks in a high scoring game. The Colts fell to the Jets in the last seconds of regulation. While the Chiefs fell in a blow out to the Ravens 30-6. The main game that was lost in my opinion was when the Eagles fell to the Packers and Michael Vick's amazing season came to an end.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


well my break was good i went to the netherlands and visited the unfortunate there and participated in a charity event where over 10,000 toys were given out and it was all fun and i enjoyed it ....