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Just like into getting good grades and going to the Weightroom and just waiting for next season

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

School year books

Well this year I read a book called Monster and like I really felt like I could relate to the book because Steve really got in real trouble and he found himself almost locked up for 25 years being involved in a murder having being the look out for Bobo and King. The book was in a movie format being filmed and Steve was the narrator. The book really had a great influence on me in the sense that if I get involved with the wrong people I could end up in a situation like Steve. The Alchemist also had some thoughts brought into my head. Since reading the Alchemist I have been working harder to accomplishing more things such as school work or in video games. My main goal is still to improve to benching 150 and squatting 310 and obstacles that Santiago faced are like obstacles I will face.

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